Your home is where your love, Joy and Dream start. A home is built of bricks and supports. A home is made of Love as well as Dreams. A home is more than merely a place where you sleep. It’s more than a place to rest, play, eat and love. It is a source of comfort and enriching energy! As such, it is very important to find a place or property with the Feng Shui that suits your energy field. We do this to find a balance and optimize the energy within a given environment. To help locate a place that fits you or suits your energy field, one may follow the following 8-Steps Feng Shui your Home Practice:
The first step should be to study and analyse the macro environment of the area. This means you need to look into the big picture view. The macro environment usually includes the existence of mountain ranges, rivers, hills, sea, lakes, wetlands and ponds in the vicinity of several thousands of meters! The existence of these features will bring an impact on within the surroundings in terms of the wealth, prosperity or / and success capacity, quality of human relationships, associations, romantic relationships or / and interactions, and health; and the opportunities that you will connect with. It’s always worth to find an area that has both mountains, mountain, or hills and rivers as these attributes could give rise to better choices or alternatives for the Feng Shui professionals, specialists or consultants to channel or boost the energy or Qi in order to fit the home to the residents in the home.
The second move is to find out the date & time of birth of the key residents. Knowing their date and time of birth will allow the Feng Shui professional to determine their 4 pillars of destiny code, namely, Bazi. The Bazi of the residents is then analysed to determine their pros and cons, what kind of environmental energy suits them which give the Feng Shui professional pretty good information to make necessary modifications to the home so as to utilize and optimize the residents’ strengths as well as complement their weaknesses.
Your third step is to determine the actual date the property was constructed. This info helps the Feng Shui professional to find out what type of Qi or life energy map has been set up in and surrounding the home. Understanding the Qi or life energy map will help the Feng Shui professional to match the home to the residents making use of the direction and location in accordance with the Feng Shui principles. In addition, it’s also vital to ascertain when the residents moved into the home. The moment and date of moving-in will also determine whether the residents’ Qi or life energy map is well-matched up with the home’s Qi or energy map at that time. Well-matched or connected Qi or life energy will help enhance more wealth, prosperity, opportunities, as well as better harmony achieved among the residents.
The fourth step would be to study and assess the external surroundings or natural environment of your home with approximately few hundred meters around. Seek out for stream, river, hill, mountain, fish ponds, sea, lake, waterfalls, tall properties, complexes, houses, roads, highways, and other unfavorable features like big transmission lines, pylons, sharp objects, lamp posts, cornered objects, dump site, clogged drains, smelly & dirty, radioactive site, cemeteries, and waste materials areas. Per Feng Shui principles, mountains are formed from the magnetic pull of the planets with respect to the stars in the space outside of our earth. Mountains that create the Qi or life energy in the vicinity of our house or home, will determine the key qualities or properties of the residents living in this house or home. The existence of the hill or mountain will affect the health, relationship, and well-being of the residents in the house or home. Conversely, a body of water or river is the conductor of Qi or life energy flow, which leads to wealth, asset, land, career and business opportunities to the residents. In modern interpretation, all infrastructure, facilities and buildings are considered virtual hills or mountains while highways, roadways, freeways, roads and tracks are considered as virtual river or water. These qualities will also possess some degree of impact to the residents in the house or home in terms of people fortune or luck, health, relationship, job / career, current assets or possessions and wealth opportunities. Nevertheless, we must avoid living in the particular area with the presence of the unfavorable features as mentioned above. These types of unfavorable features will advertently influence the health, luck / fortune, relationship, partnership, connection, romance, job / career, land / asset / possessions, and as well as prosperity, success and wealth opportunities.
We now have studied and evaluated the particular external environment of the home, the next thing is to study and evaluate the home. The main location in a Feng Shui audit is the main door as well as the home positioning and facing. The positioning along with the facing of the home and its key or primary door /entrance determines the characteristics and its compatibility with the residents per the Feng Shui principles. In addition, the location of the bedrooms, the facing of the bed, the location of the kitchen and the facing of the stove, conference or appointment or meeting rooms, study rooms, VERY IMPORTANT PERSONEL rooms and living rooms will also be evaluated with respect to the residents. The purpose is to tap and guide the Qi or life energy from outside into the interior of the home to achieve the healthy balance of Qi or life energy flow. Quite simply, to channel in the harmonizing influence to the residents living or staying in the home for enjoying prosperity, extended life, status, luxury and happiness correspondingly.
With the careful examination of the environment, home as well as residents, the Feng Shui professional will generate a report after the thorough assessment. The findings along with suggestions and recommendations that will improve the Feng Shui of the home to achieve improved and balanced Qi will be written. Types of suggestions and recommendations include repositioning as well as relocating of doors, bedrooms, beds, sofa, stove, plus the moving or adding vegetation or plants, aquarium and water pool. In addition, the specified date & time of when the placing and positioning of any of what have been mentioned earlier. This particular date selection is often known as “auspicious date selection” which is to ascertain the residents to reap the profit of doing the right thing in the ideal place and at the best time.
The Feng Shui professional can then supervise the client in putting into action the various suggestions and recommendations of placing, positioning and relocating, from any of the above items. After the execution, the Feng Shui professional will then work together with the client to monitor the effectiveness of the particular Feng Shui application of placing, positioning and relocating the above items over the following 3 to 6 months dependant on the complexity of the execution. The qualitative measurement can be in the form of enhanced health, relationships, careers, as well as business goals. A restorative action will be worked out in the event the goal is not met.
The final step is to continually follow up with the effectiveness from the execution and take restorative action, if any, before the goal is met. Usually, the whole Feng Shui process can vary from 3 months to 12 months.
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