Qi Men Dun Jia (QMDJ ) forecasting technique can be used to analyse whether a debt can be collected successfully and what are the possible ways to make it happened. Below is an example of how the QMDJ forecasting technique is used for debt collection.
To understand how to read this chart, please go to this link of “How to Read the QMDJ Hour Chart”
For forecasting a debt collection, the UGrandee in he SE palace represents the lender/creditor while SAdvisor in the SW palace represents the debtor, and the DHarm in the NW palace is the debt collector.
The lender/creditor (UGrandee) counters the debtor (SAdvisor) means the lender/creditor (UGrandee) has been having a hard time to collect the debt from the debtor (SAdvisor). In addition, the debt collector (DHarm) that appointed by the lender/creditor (UGrandee), counters the lender/creditor (UGrandee), which confirmed that the debt collection has not been successful.
Since the debt collection has not been successful, the client wants to know how and what he should do, to effectively collect the debt. From the QMDJ chart in Figure 1, we may apply the DFear which represents the solicitor to issue a legal letter to the debtor (SAdvisor). It will be effective if the solicitor is a woman and from the SE direction from the client.
This is an example of how the QMDJ Forecasting technique is used to analyse a debt collection matter and to propose ways to help collect the debt effectively.
If you like to know more about QMDJ Forecasting, you may send your enquiry to mo@metaphysicssecrets.com