As published in previous post that right timing selection is very important for winning a situation. Let review the date/time of the recent announcement made by the Election Commission (EC) of Malaysia, and using the Qi Men Dun Jia forecasting and analysis technique to study its possible outcome.
Figure 1 shows the QMDJ Hour chart of the time the announcement was made. To understand how to read this chart, please go to this link of “How to Read the QMDJ Hour Chart“
Figure 1: The QMDJ Hour Chart when the announcement of Malaysia GE14 was made
First of all, we will look into the Hour stem Yi and Day stem Ren to analyse whether the outcome is favourable to the EC of Malaysia. The Hour stem Yi is located in Southeast (SE) palace while the Day stem is located in South (S) palace. SE palace is Wood element while S palace is Fire element; Fire can burn Wood, meaning the EC of Malaysia, indeed has selected the right time to announce the date of nomination and polling.
In analyzing the election, we will look into the incumbent vs the challenging parties. In QMDJ Forecasting, the incumbent (Barisan National, BN) is represented by UGrandee while the challenging parties are represented by Geng. UGrandee is found in S palace while Geng is found in Northeast (NE) palace. Obviously, both the EC of Malaysia and the incumbent BN are located in the same palace, we can say that both are inter-related and in agreement of the announcement. Or, the selected dates for nomination and polling were in agreement by both before the announcement.
Let’s look into the content of each palace of focus; from the S palace, it consists of Heavenly Star SBird, DHarm door and earthly stem Yi. The Heavenly Star SBird is strong during Bing Chen month and when located in Fire palace (S palace), which means the current election environment and policy favour the incumbent especially two major bill and motion were passed in the Malaysia parliament, which are Anti-Fake News Bill 2018 and the Electoral maps. It’s widely viewed that these two key changes seen favouring ruling BN coalition before polls. DHarm door represents the changes were successful when it’s located in the S palace, which means the DHarm door (The Wood element) produces the S palace (The Fire element). The door represents the human relation, from the ruling BN coalition members, to collectively support and pass these two changes in the recent Malaysia parliament meeting. Earthly stem Yi located in S palace also represents the incumbent will be given the right platform to harness their strengths and capabilities for achieving their goal.
For the challenging parties in the NE palace, it consists of Heavenly Star SClash, DOpen door and earthly stem Bing, and UPhoenix deity. The Heavenly Star SClash is trapped during the Bing Chen month and weak when located in NE palace. This means the current election environment and policy are not favourable to the challenging parties. DOpen door, though is a good door in QMDJ, it’s being kept in the grave, which means the current election environment set-up is very challenging for them to break through the obstacles. Earthly stem Bing represents the challenging parties are very determined to fight in the uphill war! UPhoenix deity represents the challenging parties continue to utilize the social media, news, and hot issues to go to the voters for support. Although the initiatives and efforts from the challenging parties are great, the NE palace is unfortunately fell into the void situation (emptied energy field), this might mean they will even face the more challenging time and situation in this upcoming election.
Lastly, let’s into the Hour stem’s palace, SE, which represents the voters. For the 1st level analysis, the SE palace (The Wood element) produces the S palace (The Fire element) and controls/counters the NE palace (The Earth element). This analysis means the voters are likely geared towards supporting the incumbent than the challenging parties. Let’s look into the content of SE palace. It consists of the Heavenly Star SDiva, DLife door, earthly stem Xin and U9Heaven deity. The Heavenly Star SDiva is prosperous during the Bing Chen month and strong when located in SE palace. It means the voters are very much wanted to vote giving the current situation. However, the DLife door is controlled in the SE palace, meaning they’re facing so difficulty in voting. One of the reasons might be due to the polling date is scheduled on Wednesday, though was announced recently as public holiday, it’s still inconvenient for many to come to vote during weekday as opposed of more favourable date in weekend. This difficulty is further strengthened with the presence of the earthly stem Xin, which represents hidden obstacles. On the other hand, U9Heaven deity represents the righteousness and high ambition of the voters to come out to vote for their supported parties.
Based on the above analyses, it’s another strong indication as of why the EC of Malaysia, selected this date/time to announce the nomination and polling dates for the upcoming 14th General Election of Malaysia. I do believe they have consulted the “Master behind the scene” for selecting such a well chosen date. We will check out whether this “Master behind the scene” will really help the incumbent to win the upcoming election.
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