5 Elements towards a successful professionalism:
What are these 5 elements?
We can accelerate these 5 elements using Qi Men Dun Jia (QMDJ) Destiny Analysis Tool!
Your Purpose:
As a successful professional, you must know what your real purpose is? Why you want to be the professional and what you want to provide to the organisation, people around you and the society? You need to be very clear to help create your inner huge “why”! Only with the big “why” as to why you want to be a professional, only then, your full power will then be relished and unleashed. Finding your inner purpose is almost the most single important thing we need to do before everything else. Only then, you can be the person rather than to do it! If you still do not know how, perhaps the Qi Men Dun Jia (QMDJ) Destiny Analysis Tool can help you.
Your Inherent Talent:
Most people find out their inherent talent in the very later stage, some don’t even know until too late. Your inherent talent will be fully developed and utilised for being the most like-able professional you want to be! Of course, only after you know your purpose! Inherent talent was born to be or gifted by our parents and ancestors, as such, it’s very important we take some time to find out as soon as possible! The best if we can know even when we are very young, or just few years old. So that, it helps us to align with our purpose easily! Of course, it’s never too late to find since everyone lives in their own time zone. To know your hidden and powerful talent, or your children’s talents, we can actually find the hidden and powerful talent from our date/time of birth through QMDJ Destiny Analysis Tool.
Your Living Place:
Your living space and environment does affect your professional life. A conducive and supportive people, natural environment, cool and vibrant atmosphere, give us the different feeling and thoughts! We sometimes easily get our ideas generated while other times in other areas, we are hardly come out any great idea! As such, we need to find out what living place in sync with us easily and what is not! The living place that synchronises with our thought process, or, i should say, your thought process that synchronises with our living place in an amicably manner, our great ideas will flow out easily! This process greatly enhance our success in our profession! The direction and location as to where is the most suitable living place can be determined by the QMDJ Destiny Analysis Tool.
Influence Network:
The network we socialise can greatly affect our profession. Who we are mixing and accompanying frequently, can help or break us easily! To be successful, we need to make sure we are socialising with people who are generally positive, encouraging and showing humility! It’s also great to have few influential people or experienced people who can guide us, advice us and teach us to be most successful professional that we could be! In short, revisit your social circle and network and make the choice wisely. How do we know who can really help us in the influence network? The QMDJ Destiny Analysis Tool can help enlighten you who are those can really help you effectively!
Contributing Power:
In the Laws of Universe, the law of contribution must be fully understood and embraced. The more we contribute to the people surrounding us, organisations, society, the higher likely chance we could achieve our highest professionalism standard. Similar to law of duality, one can not just take without giving out! So, it’s strongly advisable that we embrace the law of contribution and extend our contributing power to wider areas, longer time and more people!
To find out more about QMDJ, you may refer to the following links:
Mystical Doors Camouflaging the Grand Marshall Strategy (QMDJ)
Brief Introduction to learning QMDJ
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