People often find it difficult do understand WHY having selected a good date is important for their endeavor. Some even regard that for getting a good date for an important activity is to to satisfy some cultural requirement or worse they regard it as fulfilling some superstitious belief. However, even if you don’t spend money to hire a consultant to get a good date for your major activities, you might end up spending money to repair the damages for a bad date selection that being chosen, especially when things do not go into the way we would have wanted!
Having wonder why someone got lucky on certain occasions? Someone utters, “Today is my lucky day!!” We all wanted this occasion to happen to us as many time as possible! This can be achieved following the Chinese Metaphysics’ date selection techniques that have been used in few thousands years back. Traditional, Chinese do use the simple day selection method, based on the “Tong Shu”, literally means the book for date selection. See photo below:
This Tong Shu does provide a relatively decent date selection for many Chinese to perform various important activities. Eg: marriage, company opening or official opening, child birth or new born, contract or agreement signing, assuming new post, beginning a new study or education, constructing drains, disengage or dissolve a contract or agreement, ground breaking, moving house, prayers or worshiping, renovation, seeking medical treatment, operation, traveling, commencing new business, debt collection, financial activities, trading, meeting, burial, negotiation, looking for mentor or coach, starting a new project, launching new products or services, and many more activities.
Wouldn’t it be nice that you can achieve the desired outcome for any of the above activities? Or even achieved the so-called “Lucky Day” situation? Of course, everyone of us would like to be the chosen one to experience this spectacular moment!
Date selection can be treated or regarded as a science and the implementation of various activities based on the special date selection technique can be regarded as an art! There are not fewer than 10 different methods of using date selection techniques. These different techniques making the date selection becomes very confusing if one does not really understand its application at the different situations. Some techniques are quite similar for certain situations while can be quite different in another situation. Therefore, mastering in date selection requires lots of study, research and experience.
Nevertheless, most people think that date selection is a very simple process and should not cost much if they wanted to hire a Chinese Metaphysics consultant to do the job for them. The question is would you want to get a date which would result in an undesired situation, eg: losing more money, suffer accident etc.. Isn’t that nice by paying a premium fee with greater result and higher return of investment or reward? As the saying goes, “one should not look at the price but overlook the value in return!” The different ways of looking into each situation differentiate a rich mindset person from a poor and negative mindset one! I’m sure you have been experiencing many people prefer the low price tag to high value return!
I have been experiencing and gathering more and more data that the Chinese Metaphysics is meant for the “rich” and not for the “poor”. Rich in this context means rich in mindset! This richness in mindset is the fundamental reason or secret that make many rich people or super rich tycoons, celebrities, businessmen,etc. You might ask, how can we improve our mindset to be rich? If you study the top 10 richest people in the world, you will find all of them have one common habit – they all like to read. They spend at least 2 hours in reading! For examples:
If you want to accelerate your growth, your income, your career, your business, your sales, your happiness or your fulfillment, besides reading, date selection of doing what at the right when is very important and you should not neglect!
If you have a burning question that requires an answer, please send it to mo@metaphysicssecrets.com
If you want to find an auspicious date for your important goal, please send it to mo@metaphysicssecrets.com with your date of birth (with time of birth), country of birth and your gender.
m: +6011-3943 9141
e: manonwong88@gmail.com
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