In my previous post on 23rd April 2018, it was mentioned that, “In the war in those days, they were two important strategies used, which can be represented by the Door (门) in QMDJ Forecasting. These two doors are DFear (驚门) and DMirage (景门). The DFear door is applied to induce fear and confusion among the soldiers and commanders, while the DMiarge door is applied to give hope, courage, motivation and fighting spirit to the soldiers and commanders.
In the GE14 election, these two important doors are likely being used by those competing parties to win as many votes as possible. From the QMDJ Hour chart, it shows the incumbent party has an upper in using these two doors than their opponents. The opposition parties can only use the DMirage (景门) door effectively.”
From the nomination day till 6th May today, you will notice opposition parties, so called, Pakatan Harapan (PH) have been using the DMirage door to continuously pull in the crowd in their election campaigns and talks. The following links are just few i attach here to show the large number of attendance shown in their campaigns and talks:
On the other hand, the incumbent parties, Barisan National (BN) have been going out to lure their traditional supporters in both rural and urban areas by continuously providing them more in terms of monetary aids and rewards, development in their areas, and many more in their manifesto.
In addition, BN is also using the DFear door directly and indirectly to cast worries among the voters especially those who may want to support the opposition parties. Those public servants are largely affected by the worries of action might be taken against them after the election. At the time of writing, i received many feedbacks that most people are worried of possible riot might happen if the opposition parties win the coming election, they have stocked up the necessary food for just in case.
Both strategies, DMirage and DFear doors, which were decoded from the QMDJ Hour Chart in Figure 2, as highlighted in previous post, have been deploying by incumbent party well. To understand how to read this chart, please go to this link of “How to Read the QMDJ Hour Chart”
In another post dated on 12th April, it mentioned that, “Earthly stem Yi located in S palace also represents the incumbent will be given the right platform to harness their strengths and capabilities for achieving their goal.” This tactic is fully deployed by the incumbent party, BN.
This can be shown in some of the developments during the nomination day on 28th April, few opposition’s candidates were disqualified by the Election Commission (EC). The most dramatic disqualifications are PKR vice-president Tian Chua and PKR’s Dr Streram Sinnasamy. You may read the reason of their disqualification in the link here.
Another important tactic used by the BN through the EC where EC issues a guideline on the do’s and don’ts in posters ahead of the GE14 campaign. It has also limited the pictures of political leaders which can be displayed on campaign materials to only those with the rank of president and deputy president, or the equivalent. This new guideline has prevented the opposition parties’ prominent figure or the former Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir, to be used in the opposition campaign! This will weaken the opposition campaign strategy!
According to electoral reform group The Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih 2.0) preliminary findings on the integrity of the electoral process and system in the 14th General Elections (GE14), the group claims EC responsible for 10 electoral crimes in GE14. The detailed report from “The Edge Markets” can be read in the link here. The EC will need to respond to these claims to ensure they are doing the job in accordance with the guidelines.
There are many more other developments that the readers can follow through social media and campaign to verify the strategies and tactics deployed by both parties.
As you can see from the above, the QMDJ Forecasting can be used to identify what kinds of tactics and actions each parties use in the election. It can also be used to many other daily life events forecasting!
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