Stock Investment Forecasting using QMDJ (奇门遁甲) case #5
By MOPublished On June 19, 2020
Most people invest in the stock markets with different investing analysis tools and techniques. Others will rely on their investment managers for increased gains. The percentage of accuracy is further increased if applying the QMDJ Forecasting technique.
The following example is the question raised by my student whether she should invest in the stock that she is targetting for. The QMDJ HOur Chart was plotted on the time of question raised: To understand how to read this chart, please go to this link of “How to Read the QMDJ Hour Chart”
From the Figure 1, the Day Stem Ding 丁 in the NW represents the asker while the Hour Stem Ren 壬 in the SW palace represents the stock concerned. For investing, we check the DLife 生 door from the NE palace for profit and the Stem Wu 戊 in the SE palace for the capital. The Stem Wu 戊 in the SE is unfortunately fell into the Void situation, which means the return of capital 戊 will be a real challenge. Also, the profit 生 shown in the NE palace has the Stem Geng 庚, which is not a good sign for getting the return from the investment.
As such, the asker is advised not to invest on this stock.
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